Newsletter | April 3, 2023

04.03.23 -- Preventing Product Recalls And Safeguarding Your Brand

Preventing Product Recalls By Timely Adoption Of Technology

Product recalls can cause substantial risk to a company's reputation, particularly for food manufacturers. A well-publicized incident can destroy the worth of a brand name in an instant. Learn about the reasons for recalls, the financial and reputational impact of recalls, and what companies can do to minimize their exposure to such risks.

Six Steps To Prevent Physical Contamination In Food

Utilizing this step-by-step guide, familiarize yourself with the different types and common causes of contamination. With measures to identify the contamination risks, explore how food processors and manufacturers can prevent foreign body contamination from reaching end-customers and consumers.

Maximize Productivity And Brand Protection In Food Manufacturing

An effective metal detection system can remove the influence of product effect so that the smallest metal contaminants can be identified and rejected from the production line. Ensure you are getting the most out of your metal detector to protect brand reputation and increase profit margins.

Upcoming Webinar
How To Test Conveyorized Metal Detection Systems

This webinar will provide guidance on correct setup and performance monitoring procedures. Starting with a discussion on commissioning metal detection systems to meet food industry standards, it will then explain initial validation procedures and discuss routine performance monitoring processes. Guidance on testing conveyorized metal detection systems for compliance will also be covered. Register here.