Food Online accepts a variety of contributed material for possible inclusion on our Web site and in our e-mail newsletter. Acceptable submissions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- News/product releases
- Articles
- Feature articles
- Guest columns
- White papers
- Case studies
- Tutorials
- Market overviews
- Application notes
- Product reviews
- Opinion pieces
- Multimedia (videos, podcasts, etc.)
Submission Process
Unsolicited news and product releases are accepted via e-mail to Contributors are encouraged to include artwork such as photos, graphics, or charts with their releases.
Articles are also accepted via e-mail. Contributors are encouraged to contact the editor before submitting editorial, though this is not a requirement. An outline, abstract, or brief description of the article should be included with the e-mail. A brief biography of the author is also recommended.
Unsolicited multimedia files are not accepted via e-mail. If you are interested in submitting a multimedia file for possible inclusion on Food Online, please e-mail the editor at with a brief description of the content, along with the file type and file size. The editor will then arrange for the most appropriate method of file transfer.
All contributed content should be tailored to our audience and their daily work. News events, emerging technologies, industry trends and issues, and problem-solving techniques are appropriate topics. All contributions are subject to editing for length, content, and appropriate style. Food Online reserves the right to deem any submission as acceptable or unacceptable.
News releases should be at least 200 words in length. Articles should be at least 600 words, but may be much longer, depending on the type of article.
Contributors are encouraged to submit artwork such as photos, graphics, charts, graphs, or figures with their content. Only digital images will be accepted; JPEG and GIF formats are preferred. Image file size should be no larger than 100k. Ideal dimensions for the lead image are 450 pixels wide by 300 pixels high. If deemed necessary, images may be subject to resizing and/or cropping.
For more information or to submit your content, please contact the editor at