
Fines Separator

Source: Lorenz & Son Manufacturing Company Ltd.,
Lorenz fines separator removes fines and separates product by size. This separator is manufactured of stainless steel and is compactly designed

Lorenz fines separator removes fines and separates product by size. This separator is manufactured of stainless steel and is compactly designed. It operates quietly, without dust or vibration, according to the company.

This separator handles light weight materials which can become airborne. It separates fine to coarse materials such as rice, grains, cereals and other dry ingredients. Screening is achieved via a flow-through method where the product stays in contact with the screen. Separation is performed by a rolling of the product which is designed to prohibit breakage and degradation. Products may either be air cooled or air heated during separation.

Options include screw conveyors, bucket and belt conveyors and pneumatic pickups. Inlet and outlet configurations and variable screen sizes are also available.

Lorenz & Son Manufacturing Company Ltd., PO Box 1002, Cobourg, ON. Canada K9A 4W4. Phone: (905) 372-2240. Fax: (905) 372-4456.