
NEW ezGuide Interactive Software

Source: North Safety Products
Selecting the proper respiratory and hand protection for various industrial chemicals used to be a cumbersome task. According to OSHA regulation 29§1910.138 for Hand Protection, employees are responsible for proper glove selection.
Selecting the proper respiratory and hand protection for various industrial chemicals used to be a cumbersome task. According to OSHA regulation 29§1910.138 for Hand Protection, employees are responsible for proper glove selection. Under the revised OSHA 29 CFR§1910.134 for Respiratory Protection, employers are not only responsible for determining the proper type of respirator to be used, but also responsible for determining the useful service life of the chemical cartridges that may be used. Thanks to the new ezGuide CD-ROM from North Safety Products, complying with these regulations can be easier than you think. Now, with ezGuide, you can not only determine the appropriate types of respiratory and hand protection needed, you can determine useful service life of cartridges, and breakthrough times and permeation rates for gloves.


How it works...

Simply select the contaminant and concentration and the program will chose a respirator or glove. If an air purifying respirator with chemical cartridges is needed, enter the site specific details and you will get an estimate of the useful service time for the cartridge. This customized information can be documented in a printed report for your records. Additional screens will give you the features and benefits for each respirator or glove, along with ordering information. It's as "ez" as that.

The main menu is the starting point for accessing any of the three program modules. However, once you make your selection, ezGuide links all the modules and with just one click, you can move effortlessly from respirators to gloves to service life estimation.

By allowing you to customize the parameters of your workplace, either from pull-down selections available on-screen or by simply inputting site specific variables of your own, ezGuide gives you the flexibility to test "what if" scenarios, should your worksite conditions change. Even between gloves and respirators, seamlessly.

Then as quickly as you can enter the information into your computer, ezGuide will return with a list of appropriate glove and respirator products and an estimation of how long the chosen North cartridge will give your workers protection. All of which is available in a printed report or can be saved for future reference.

Go ahead, give it a spin. We're glad you decided to get your hands on this new tool. We feel it will quickly and dramatically simplify the process you'll need to go through to be compliant with the new OSHA respiratory regulation, and selection process for hand protection!