Douglas Moyer

Douglas Moyer

Dr. Douglas Moyer has been focused on public health at Michigan State University since 2009. He is also a researcher for the Food Fraud Initiative at MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine where he explores the unique public health risks presented by different fraud types and diverse fraudsters. Dr. Moyer is also the founder and owner of Pack Edge LLC, a packaging management consulting firm.


  • It’s More Than Food Defense

    FSMA’s new intentional adulteration rule — food defense vs. food fraud. In late 2013, the FDA published its proposed rules to prevent the intentional adulteration of food. The announcement of Section 106 was widely covered in trade journals, and to a lesser extent, in the general media due to its focus on food defense and terrorism. Although protecting the public's health from terrorists is of concern, food fraud is another type of intentional adulteration deserving attention.