News | April 22, 2024

Soil Fungal Community Across A 52-Year Chronosequence Of Soil Recultivation After Open-Mining In Inden (Germany)

The soil fungal community was surveyed across a 52-year chronosequence of soil recultivation after open-mining, during two seasons (March-winter, July-summer). The study sites correspond to agricultural fields located within an area of 25 km 2 (6°15’0’ E to 6°21’0’ E and 50°50’5’ N to 50°53’0’ N) of an open-cast lignite mine at Inden, between Cologne, Aachen, Mönchengladbach, and Düsseldorf. The soil extraction, deposition and recultivation process leads to a chronosequence of fields recultivated from less than one year to fields recultivated for 52 years, at samling time of 2016.

During the first three years, fields are permanently covered by alfalfa and never receive artificial fertilisers or biocide treatments (fields recultivated since 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013, referred to as phase 1). In the following two years, agricultural practises are resumed with barley cropping by RWE Power AG, and a N:P:K (1:0.4:0.6) fertilisation of 437 kg ha−1 a−1 (fields recultivated since 2012 and 2011 referred to as phase 2). Afterwards, fields are returned to farmers and conventionally managed with a crop sequence of winter wheat after sugar beet, one tillage a year to 30 cm depth, and a continuous management practice following area-typical agricultural practice and plant-protection guidelines (fields recultivated since 2006, 1990, 1979, 1971 and 1964, referred to as phase 3). Other agricultural fields that have not yet been subject to extraction were sampled too (referred to as pre-mining phase). They are a total of 115 samples (5 replicates per field x 2 seasons, each field corresponds to a year of recultivation). Four samples were removed due to failed PCR. The soil fungal community was analyzed with 300 bp paired-end Illumina MiSeq sequencing of ITS2 sequences (primers fITS7: 5′‐GTGARTCATCGAATCTTTG‐3′ / ITS4: 5′‐TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC‐3′). Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) were inferred using DADA2 in R. Taxonomic annotations were performed using the IDTaxa algorithm implemented in the DECIPHER R package, against UNITE (version of 10.05.2021). Raw sequencing reads are available at ENA under study project PRJEB51095. The DNA sequences of the fungal amplicon sequence variants are available at ENA under accession numbers OV986018-OV989728. The processed dataset including the ASV count table, ASV taxonomy, and sample metadata compiled as a phyloseq R object stored in a single .RDS R file, as well as ASV guild annotation using Funguild database, are available at figshare at (

To read the data in the software R, use readRDS() function). Here we upload at the BONARES data centre the relative abundance of each fungal guild (% of DNA sequences) per samples along with basic metadata for easy reuse. The guild name and metadata name is provided in the header of each column. The entire set of measured soil physico-chemical parameters has been deposited at BONARES under reference 72ca6e98-5aab-4884-bf1b-56931482eb94. The publication associated to the dataset can be found at Roy J, Reichel R, Brüggemann N, Rillig MC. 2022. Functional, not Taxonomic, Composition of Soil Fungi Reestablishes to Pre mining Initial State After 52 Years of Recultivation. Microbial Ecology.

Other publications associated to the datasets are : (1) Reichel R., Hänsch M., Brüggemann N. (2017). Indication of rapid soil food web recovery by nematode-derived indices in restored agricultural soil after open-cast lignite mining. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 115, 261-264. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.08.020; (2) Roy J., Reichel R., Brüggemann N., Hempel S., Rillig M. (2017). Succession of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi along a 52-years agricultural recultivation chronosequence. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. DOI: 1093/femsec/fix102.

Source: Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)