
Eco Steam Peeler

Source: TOMRA Sorting Solutions

Today we see steam peelers peeling at lower steam times than ever before. No product in the industry can match the speed of peeling, the uniformity of skin removal and the low peel losses of TOMRA’s Eco steam peeler.

The peeler has confirmed the 'Eco' label and demonstrated major reductions in steam usage and energy savings.

One of the requirements in the design of the Eco steam peeler was that it should lower energy usage by up to 25%, worth around € 50,000 tot € 80,000 per year depending on local energy costs.

Benefits of TOMRA's Eco Steam Peeler

  • Reduced energy costs
  • Increased yield
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Enhanced diagnostics
  • Controlled steam management
  • High performance based on customer's needs